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Based in Morayfield, Queensland, with a family atmosphere - it is your home away from home.
Based in Morayfield, Queensland, with a family atmosphere - it is your home away from home.
Our weekend was full of fun and activity. We visited The Craft Haven to paint ceramic pottery, attended a special Christmas party at Sea Life and went to the movies on Sunday.
We had a busy weekend creating terrariums, tie-dying t-shirts and learning circus skills.
What started out a dreary wet weekend became a weekend full of fun, laughter and activity.
We're excited to release our latest Adventure Blueprint. There are adventures and outings for everyone.
We had an exciting and busy weekend with a trip to QPAC to see "Wicked the Musical" on Saturday and a fun and refreshing swim and slide at Albany Creek on Sunday. Throw in some cooking activities and painting with paint pens and a friendly bunch of kids, it is easy to see our weekend was a blast!
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