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Unplanned First Aid "Hands-on" Experience

This weekend one of the children had shared their fascination with playing 'doctors' and wanting to play with a doctor's kit. So Rikki brought in her first aid kit to provide some exploratory, and learn some basic components of first aid, and the processes of administering first aid to someone who might be injured.

The kids were excited about this experience and took turns being a casualty and various medical health professionals. Most of the children loved the bandages and emergency thermal blanket the most. However, there was some interest in the first aid of "cleaning wounds".

first aid experience

The First Aid Blank was their Favourite thing!

Perhaps in the future, we can introduce the children to planned health care simulations, where they might play and learn more about the practice of health care explore the different professions in medicine and other allied health roles.

Interactive Technologies: Drones, Nerf Blasters & VR

Technology simulations and experiences like flying drones, Nerf Blasters and experiencing VR was a first for many of us. Wow – what an experience!

We spent the day at the Drone Arena on Saturday. Where we traversed through an ancient relic from Ancient Egyptian Mythology - it felt like we were really there! The VR experience of The Mask of the Pharaoh at Arena 21.

We also flew remote-controlled drones and hit targets with a Nerf blaster. Such a special and unique activity that even saw Nick try VR for the first time.

vr and drones

The Mask Of The Pharaoh - VR

Having seen how much the children enjoyed the movie "Elemental" last week - it was not a surprise to see this group enjoy it too. The kids enjoyed the movie so much that they were talking about it at length afterwards.

Nick and Rikki took us to McDonalds for lunch afterwards and we enjoyed some free time to explore and play at the Westfield North Lakes playground area before coming back home.

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A Fun Afternoon at North Lakes

Having seen how much the children enjoyed the movie "Elemental" last week - it was not a surprise to see this group enjoy it too.

The kids enjoyed the movie so much that they were talking about it at length afterwards.

Nick and Rikki took us to McDonalds for lunch afterwards and we enjoyed some free time to explore and play at the Westfield North Lakes playground area before coming back home.

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fun at north lakes

Chillin' in the Playground in North Lakes Westfield

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